Technical Support
  • 1.What’s difference between electric drive and oil drive aircraft?


    Due to lack of energy density of the battery the efficiency of brushless motor is very low, and cause so the aeromodelling in the early days are normally driven by methanol or gasoline engine. with the progress of regulating technology for lithium battery used in brush motor,the energy density of the motor has is not inferior than oil engine, also the oil engine need complex technology when the aircraft start-up , besides, the maintenance work is more and dirty, motor dive has the advantages of simple structure, easy clean and free of maintenance. The electric model airplane need to purchase the suited charger and battery power for aircraft. We suggest purchasing the electric drive aircraft for newbie.


  • 2.The distinction and definition between Japanese and American hand shank?


    Because the model aircraft activities come out earlier in the area in Japan and North America, so the definition for the rocker and channels are different. Such as in Japan, the left joystick: up and down for lifting and descent,left and right for direction control .right joystick: up and down for speed up and down, left and right is aileron rudder. In the United States, the left joystick: up and down for speed up and down  left and right for direction control; right joystick: up and down for lifting and descent left and right is aileron rudder.

  • 3.What is the remote controller and receiver?


    Model airplane need a device to control for flying,this device is a remote control. At the same time,the aircraft need a device wich can deal the signal from remote controller,this equipment is the receiver. Remote controller and receiver communicated with radio wave, commonly used radio frequency is 72Mhz and 2.4Ghz. Remote control can set the flight parameters, such as: the direction of positive and negative accelerator, rocker sensitivity, position adjustment,channel function definition, flight time record and reminders,lever function, and advanced features have model such as aircraft to return the battery voltage and current data from the aircraft,and so on.

  • 4.It is said that UAV need a driver license now? Will I be not allowed to control?


    According to relevant national policies and regulations, only 7KG or larger UAV needs a driver license. Users must comply with local laws and regulations,do not fly in the airport area, and forbidden fly time.

  • 5.How do we do, when the UAV is out of power or out of sight?


    The UAV will start the automatic return function when the voltage is insufficient or beyond the remote control distance , then aircraft automatic landing at the point of departure automaticly. Athletic series don’t have the  automatic return function, the user needs to control the takeoff,landing and return. Athletic series has a low voltage alarm, when the alarm signal come out,the user should replace the battery.